Stage Nederlands (3-6 jaar)

taalstage paasvakantie 2025

If you don't speak Dutch at home, it is a good idea to practice it during the holidays! Learning a language goes beyond the classroom. This Dutch course is your chance to learn and practice new words and sentences. It's not like school as we'll be making things, listening to stories, singing, and playing games!

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  • Basisprijs: € 110,00
  • UiTPAS-houder: € 99,00
  • UiTPAS met kansentarief: € 22,00


GC de Lijsterbes
Lijsterbessenbomenlaan 6
1950 Kraainem

Target audience


The theme is Greetings from Kraainem!

Let's go on a ‘staycation’! That's a holiday spent in our own community. We'll be soaking up the sun in the GC de Lijsterbes garden, looking for a great travel story in the library and writing postcards. No homesickness like on a real holiday, but learning Dutch while playing!

Practical information:

  • This year we are organising two camps at the same time: one toddler group (3-6 years old) and one older group (6-12 years old).
  • This camp is aimed at children who go to school in Dutch, but speak another language at home. Here, you'll enhance your Dutch skills, but you won't be starting from scratch.
  • The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free childcare is available from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • We will be playing in GC de Lijsterbes classrooms and garden.
  • Please bring your own lunch and snacks.
  • Dress your child in comfortable clothes and shoes that can handle a bit of dirt.
  • You can finalise the payment once you have completed the medical and tax information for your child.

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